Geotechnical & Environmental Services
Soil Contamination testing cost
Contaminated Site Assessments
Potentially Contaminated Land Code
Environmental Consultant
Councils require that potentially contaminated sites are tested to ensure that the environment, workers, the public and future owners are not exposed to potential contamination hazards from proposed site earthworks or change of building use.
Enviro-Tech Consultants work closely with clients to ensure the best outcomes are explored to assess and manage potentially contaminated sites. We prepare an investigation scope which is carefully scaled and customized to your site.
Environmental Site Assessment
Soil Contamination testing hobart

Investigations are carried out by a suitably qualified and experienced practitioner.
Soil testing is often required to determine the extent of any potential contamination hazard. A desktop assessment will determine the likely type and extent of contamination at your site, which will guide soil sampling and laboratory testing procedures.
Contamination assessments are conducted in accordance with National Environment Protection (assessment of site contamination) Measure and Australian Standards for sampling and analysis.